
In 1922 the first grave of the Etruscan Spina was discovered. After 100 years, the excavation of the Valle Trebba necropolis is still an archaeological event of paramount importance in the Western world and a social epic that still has strong echoes in the territory of Emilia Romagna.
In addition to the events planned for the celebrations, the Ministry of Culture built up a website to serve as an information platform.
Such a website is intended to be a tool so that the broader public, including the youngest, can actively participate in the celebration. This is how Spinatellers have been gathered!
Spinatellers is a project conceived by the international students of the Applied Critical Archaeology and Heritage Master’s degree programme and the students of the School of Specialisation in Archaeological Heritage of the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna.
In the Spinatellers’ workshop young archaeologists, coming into contact with the Etruscan site of Spina and all the people who work on it, give back their experience by elaborating stories (archaeostorytelling, podcasts) and interviews.
The Spinatellers build a bridge between the past and the present.